The Big Powers, Press, Plutocrats & Politics 1000 AMERICANS is loaded with explosive revelations of plans by that master-group of financiers and politicians often referred to cynically as 'the boys in the back room.' The author takes us boldly into all the nation's significant back rooms, the seamiest and the most sumptuous, and shows us where the real controls are concealed. We see not only how they are manipulated but also by whom. This daring account would seem a fantastic nightmare were it not so fully documented from unimpeachable sources. By George Seldes (1890-1995): crusading activist journalist and editor who knew world leaders personally, subject of the film, Tell the Truth and Run. George Seldes was the father of the alternative press. - I . F. Stone. There have been three great independent journalists in this century - Lincoln Steffens, I.F. Stone and George Seldes... The children and grandchildren of the 1000 Americans that Seldes said control America still rule today. - Randolph T. Holhut Topics: Names names of those who control our institutions through the media and pressure groups. 99% of media push the agenda of the powerful and cover up suborning of the public interest and exploitation of the people by private influence. Example of Montana and Anaconda: the USA as a company town. The genesis of Time magazine; financed by Harriman and Morgan; covering up the Ambassador Page cable to Wilson in 1917, calling for war on Germany to serve Morgan financial interests. Conflict of interest between magazines and advertisers. Pro-Hitler line of Wall-Street-controlled newspapers. Commerce Secretary Hoover helps munitions makers circumvent the Geneva arms control conference. Dupont, ally of IG Farben and campaign funding champion, elects Hoover president. The white-washing of Wall Street. Each major industry dominated by a few corporations controlled by a few families like Rockefeller and Morgan. Financing of the Liberty League, the KKK, et al. Smedley Bls=