Chortle. Giggle. Titter and guffaw. And smile, smile, smile. The happiest of books is back, in full, glorious, happy color. Its the perfect shower gift. Essential for grandparents. The most cheerful book in the parenting section.
These 97 games, sight gags, parlor tricks, and practical jokes require no special talent, use just the simplest household items as props, and actually work. Babies will be entertainedand adult readers will rediscover the joy of surrendering to sheer silliness. Get baby giggling with the Exaggerated Sneeze ah-ah-ah-ah-CHOO! The Live Jack-in-the-Box (Dad goes in large cardboard box, family sings Pop Goes the Weasel, and Dad jumps out at the last line). Three-Card Monte for Babies, using plastic cups and a lemon. Plus the top ten peek-a-boo variations, Yodeling in the Canyon, the Disappearing Noodle, Baby Channel Surfing, and oldies-but-goodies including Babys Stinky Feet. Its the joy of letting loose and laughing with your baby.