Advances in Heat Transfer is designed to fill the information gap between regularly scheduled journals and university level textbooks by providing in-depth review articles over a broader scope than is allowablein either journals or texts.S. Whitaker, Coupled Transport in Multiphase Systems: A Theory of Drying. W. Wulff, Integral Methods for Two-Phase Flow in Hydraulic Systems. K.L. Kalinin and G.A. Dreitser, Heat Transfer Enhancement in Heat Exchangers. J.T. Farmer and J.R. Howell, Comparison of Monte Carlo Strategies for Radiative Transfer in Participating Media. C.B. Panchal and J.G. Knudsen, Mitigation of Water Fouling: Technology Status and Challenges. References. Subject Index. Wholeheartedly recommended to the researcher, and to the student who wishes to commence work in a particular field. --JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL WORKING TECHNOLOGY Serve[s] as a broad review for experts in the field...Will also be of great interest to non-specialists with only a general knowledge of the field who need to know the results of the latest research. --CURRENT SCIENCE