This volume?of Advances in Microbial Physiology?continues the long tradition of topical and important reviews in microbiology
- Contributions from leading authorities
- Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field
- The Cyddc Family of Transporters and Their Roles in Oxidase Assembly and Homeostasis
Louise V. Holyoake, Robert K. Poole and Mark Shepherd - A Post-Genomic View of the Ecophysiology, Catabolism and Biotechnological Relevance of Sulfate-Reducing Prokaryotes
Ralf Rabus, Sofia S. Venceslau, Lars W?hlbrand, Gerrit Voordouw, Judy D. Wall, and In?s A.C. Pereira - Neisserial Molecular Adaptations to the Nasopharyngeal Niche
Jay R. Laver, Sara E. Hughes and Robert C. Read - Marine Microbial Secondary Metabolites: Pathways, Evolution and Physiological Roles
Daniela Giordano, Daniela Coppola, Roberta Russo, Renata Denaro, Laura Giuliano, Federico M Lauro, Guido di Prisco and Cinzia Verde
This series continually publishes cutting-edge reviews in the field of microbial physiologyProfessor Robert Poole is West Riding Professor of Microbiology at the University of Sheffield. He has >35 years' experience of bacterial physiology and bioenergetics, in particular O2-, CO- and NO-reactive proteins, and has published >300 papers (h=48, 2013). He was Chairman of the Plant and Microbial Sciences Committee of the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and has held numerous grants from BBSRC, the Wellcome and Leverhulme Trusts and the EC. He coordinates an international SysMO systems biology consortium. He published pioneering studies l£@