Advances in Quantum Chemistry publishes articles and invited reviews by leading international researchers in quantum chemistry. Quantum chemistry deals particularly with the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, and crystalline matter and describes it in terms of electron wave patterns. It uses physical and chemical insight, sophisticated mathematics and high-speed computers to solve the wave equations and achieve its results.
Advances highlights these important, interdisciplinary developments.
D. Craig, A Journey with Good Companions.
D.E. Ellis and D. Guenzburger, The Discrete Variational Method in Density Functional Theory and its Applications to Large Molecules and Solid-State Systems.
C.D. Sherrill and H.F. Schaefer III, The Configuration Interaction Method: Advances in Highly Correlated Approaches.
D.E. Bernholdt and R.J. Bartlett, A Critical Assessment of Multireference-Fock Space CCSD and Perturbative Third Order Triples Approximations for Photoelectron Sprectra and Quasidegenerate Potential Energy Surfaces.
P. Piecuch and R.J. Bartlett, EOMXCC: A New Coupled-Cluster Method for Electronic Excited States.John R. Sabin is Professor of Physics and Chemistry Emeritus at the University of Florida, and Adjungeret Professor at the University of Southern Denmark. He received the AB degree from Williams College in 1962 and the PhD from the University of New Hampshire in 1966. Thereafter he was a postdoctoral student at Uppsala University and at Northwestern University. He was Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri for three years (1968-1971) and then came to the University of Florida where he has been since.
Sabin's research interest is in the theoretical description of the interaction of fast charged baryon projectiles with atomic and molecular targets, both as neutrals and ions. In this work, he uses moleculalã×