A distinguished international team of historians examines the dynamics of global and regional change in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Providing uniquely broad coverage, encompassing North and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, and China, the chapters shed new light on this pivotal period of world history.
Offering fresh perspectives on:
the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions
the break-up of the Iberian empires
the Napoleonic Wars.
The volume also presents ground-breaking treatments of world history from an African perspective, of South Asia's age of revolutions, and of stability and instability in China. The first truly global account of the causes and consequences of the transformative 'Age of Revolutions', this collection presents a strikingly novel and comprehensive view of the revolutionary era as well as rich examples of global history in practice.
Introduction: Causation, Connection and Comparison; D.Armitage& S.Subrahmanyam.- Sparks from Altar of '76: International Repercussions and Reconsiderations of the American Revolution; G.B.Nash .- The French Revolution in Global Context; L.Hunt.- Revolutionary Exiles: The American Loyalist and French ?migr? Diasporas; M.Jasanoff .- Iberian Passages: Continuity and Change in the South Atlantic; J.Adelman.- The Caribbean in the Age of Revolution; D.C.Geggus .- The Dynamics of History in Africa and the Atlantic 'Age of Revolutions'; J.C.Miller.- Playing Muslim: Bonaparte's Army of the Orient and Euro-Muslim Creolizalsc