When God's Word is All You Want, then God's Word becomes All You Need! This devotional holds daily life lessons attributed to God's wisdom and instruction through His Word. Each day during 2010 He gave my heart instruction to apply, write, and share with others. So you see, I only wrote the book, He is the author! This journey began in 2009 while searching for a KJV Bible study. After meeting with numerous pastors and ministry leaders and still not finding studies to share, I began to ask God to provide someone to write a study for us to use. My thought was: We need a Bible study, and God is the author of the Bible. He says, We have not because we ask not...so this request is sure to be pleasing to God and certain to be answered. So the request was made! Lord, please send someone to write this for us to teach in the areas needed. I had no idea the request would be returned to me personally. I only wanted the information. I had no desire to write, how to start, or what to do. Then came the calming in my spirit. Trust Me, I will be with you, I will not leave you alone! You humble your heart and come to Me each day with a willing spirit and I will strengthen you to do what I called you to do. So we finished it together! It is my prayer that you will humble your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through this series; and that God will do for you, what He has done for me--change your life for His glory. AMEN!