Jimmy Bruno was an ordinary man that lived an extraordinary life. All Roads Lead to Chicago has been under construction for nearly 100 years. From the actual time the events were unfolding in Jimmy's life to the final edit of the book. His start in business came when he asked his boyhood friend, Alphonse Capone to assist with an employment opportunity. Through Al's help, Jimmy became a Chicago cab driver. Later Al would recruit him for an adventure that would take him far from the streets of Chicago, through Canada, and back to his native Italy before returning to Al Capone's Chicago to await other assignments. Jimmy was among a limited few who was able to resign from working for Capone and remain alive. However, trouble was never too far behind. Anthony's Grandmother Gladys, Jimmy's daughter, kept detailed accounts of her father's life. Growing up Anthony listened with excitement as Jimmy told his stories. Along with the notes left by Gladys, Anthony shares stories that have never been told, until now.