
Allied Medicine in the Great War The Medical Front and the People Who Fought [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (History)
  • Author:  Lawrence, Jennifer S.
  • Author:  Lawrence, Jennifer S.
  • ISBN-10:  1352004461
  • ISBN-10:  1352004461
  • ISBN-13:  9781352004465
  • ISBN-13:  9781352004465
  • Publisher:  Palgrave
  • Publisher:  Palgrave
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-Feb-2018
  • Pub Date:  01-Feb-2018
  • SKU:  1352004461-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  1352004461-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 101511750
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
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  • Delivery by: Dec 25 to Dec 27
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
This book provides an overview of the history of allied medicine in the Great War. Based on both primary research and secondary literature, it offers a clear and concise account of medical treatment during the Great War, exploring the advancements of the period and the human experience of the medical war.As well as covering European medical work, the book draws on a range of American primary sources and texts in order to address the American medical experience of the First World War, an area that has been neglected by the existing literature.

This is an accessible exploration of the medical war, the people involved, and its impact. It is an essential text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of History taking courses on medicine in war, the history of medicine or the Great War.

Introduction.- The Great War.- Allied Medical Innovations.- Medical Personnel.- Soldiers and the Medical Front.- Effects of the Medical Front in the Great War.- ConclusionJennifer S. Lawrence is Professor of History at Tarrant County College, USA.

  • Distinctive in exploring the US military medical response to the war 
  • Provides chapters on the medical science of the period along with the human experience of medicine in the war 
  • Incorporates the soldiers' experience with the medical front 
  • Ties the practice of medicine during the war to larger societal trends and developments after the war

Jennifer S. Lawrence has produced a wide-ranging and authoritative analysis which will be of value to university students and lecturers covering not only medical history but also wider issues in military history and the impact of the First World War.  Richard S. Grayson, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Jennifer S. Lawrence has written a comprehensive, thoughtful alƒ&

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