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Fain's book is . . . a welcome addition to the literature. His work is in many ways an impressive achievement, particularly in the ways that the author demonstrates control of an enormous body of primary source material as well as familiarity with most, if not all, of the secondary scholarship . . . Fain has made a significant contribution to our understanding of Anglo-American relations in the Persian Gulf, and his work will probably be mandatory reading for all scholars in this field. - The American Historical Review In many ways an impressive book, being erudite, well written, and extensively researched . . . W. Taylor Fain has produced a significant book that will add to the growing literature on Anglo-American relations and the end of empire in the Persian Gulf. - International Journal of Middle East Studies Encompassing two turbulent decades of Anglo-American cooperation and rivalry in the Persian Gulf region, W. Taylor Fain's well researched and briskly paced monograph ably fills a gap in the current historiography on western policy towards the Middle Ealƒ%
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