Nonsmooth Analysis is a relatively recent area of mathematical analysis. The literature about this subject consists mainly in research papers and books. The purpose of this book is to provide a handbook for undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics?that introduce this interesting area in detail.
- Includes different kinds of sub and super differentials as well as generalized gradients
- Includes also the main tools of the theory, as Sum and Chain Rules or Mean Value theorems
- Content is?introduced in an elementary way, developing many examples, allowing the reader to understand a theory which is scattered in many papers and research books
Chapter 1. Basic concepts and results: Upper and lower limits. Semicontinuity. Differentiability. Two important Theorems.
Chapter 2. Convex Functions: Convex sets and convex functions. Continuity of convex functions. Separation Results. Convexity and Differentiability.
Chapter 3. The subdifferential of a Convex function: Subdifferential properties.? Examples.
Chapter 4. The subdifferential. General case: Definition and basic properties. Geometrical meaning of the subdifferential. Density of subdifferentiability points. Proximal subdifferential
Chapter 5. Calculus: Sum Rule. Constrained minima. Chain Rule. Regular functions: Elementary properties. Mean Value results. Decreasing Functions
Chapter 6. Lipschitz functions and the generalized gradient: Lipschitz regular functions. The generalized gradient. Generalized Jacobian. Graphical derivative
Chapter 7. Applications: Flow invariant sets. Viscosity solutions. Solving equations.This is a handbook for undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics?that introduces?the emerging area of mathematical analysis known as?Nonsmooth Analysis.
...starting from the very beginning, adopting a slow, easy to follow linear devel#�