Topics covered include: the Bayeux Tapestry; Bishops of Winchester and the Monastic Revolution; Charters of Henry II; Early Irish Castles; Land and Inheritance in England; Life of St Margaret; Mont St Michel 966-1035; Sake and Soke, Titles, and Tenants-in-Chief; Shaftesbury Abbey's Benefactors; 12c Anglo-Scottish Warfare; Benoit of St Maure and William; Southwell Tympanum, Glastonbury Respond, Leigh Christ; Inventio et Miracula Sancti Vulfranni. Contributors: C. HOLDSWORTH, S. BROWN, K. COOKE, M. FRANKLIN, J. HUDSON, L. HUNEYCUTT, T. McNEILL; R. MORTIMER, C. POTTS, D. ROFFE, M. STRICKLAND, H.B. TEUNIS, P. TUDOR-CRAIG, E. VAN HOUTS