Everything aspiring animation producersneed in order to learn the language andprocedures of this booming field
The Animation Producer’s Handbookis a unique, all-in-oneguide to the business and management processes ofproducing animation. Essential reading for anyonelooking to break into the field, it spans all mediumsand expertly breaks down animation production toits simplest and most understandable elements.You quickly pick up the business and managementprocesses of producing animation, from a project’sinception to its conclusion. Covering everything fromthe initial concept and the pitch, to establishing a coreteam, developing the script and characters, and budgetingand scheduling, the authors take you throughthe production cycle—breaking down animationproduction in an easy-to-understand way.
Lea Milicis a producer at Jim Keeshen Productions in Santa Monica, California, USA, and
Yasmin McConvilleis a producer at Yoram Gross/EM TV in Sydney, Australia. Between them they have over twenty years experience in all aspects of animation production in film, television, video games and the web.