Annual Review Of Nursing Education, Volume 2, 2004 [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Medical)
  • Author:  Marilyn H. Oermann PhD RN FAAN
  • Author:  Marilyn H. Oermann PhD RN FAAN
  • ISBN-10:  0826124453
  • ISBN-10:  0826124453
  • ISBN-13:  9780826124456
  • ISBN-13:  9780826124456
  • Publisher:  Springer Publishing Company
  • Publisher:  Springer Publishing Company
  • Pages:  400
  • Pages:  400
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • SKU:  0826124453-11-MING
  • SKU:  0826124453-11-MING
  • Item ID: 100387770

This series presents the latest trends in nursing education written by the nurse educators pioneering these innovations. Focusing on the practice of teaching across settings, this review is written for nurse educators in associate, baccalaureate, and graduate nursing programs, staff development, and continuing education. Volume 2 presents an overview of the current status of nursing education, and a rich array of strategies and experiences that can enrich your teaching. Chapters discuss critical thinking, grading, implementing technology in clinical teaching, developing certificate programs, and preparing students for the workforce. Contributors include Peggy Chinn, Diane Billings, and Felissa Lashley.

    Part I: Current Trends
  1. An Overview of Trends in Nursing Education,B.R. Grumet and C. Gilbert
  2. Certificate Programs in Nursing: Service-Education Collaboration in the Age of the Knowledge Worker,D.M. Billings
  3. A Service Learning Experience at One School,H.I. Melland

  4. Part II: Assessment and Evaluation
  5. Program Evaluation and Public Accountability,D.L. Boland
  6. Assessing the Ineffable: A Creative Challenge for Nurse Educators and Students,K.T. Heinrich and M.R. Neese
  7. A Praxis for Grading,P.L. Chinn
  8. Computers and Testing,M.B. Klainberg
  9. Usability Testing for Online Nursing Education: Thinking Aloud and Heuristic Evaluation,D. McGonigle, K. Mastrian, and N. Farcus

  10. Part III: Simulation Labs in Nursing Education
  11. Using Simulation in Nursing Education: The University of Maryland and Georgetown University Experiences,P.G. Morton and C.A. Rauen
  12. Using the Human Patient Simulator in Nursing Education,W.M. Nehring and F.R. Lashley

  13. Part IV: Innovative Strategies for Teaching in Nursing
  14. Critical Thinking: What???s New and How to Foster Thinking Among NurslĂ"
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