An anomaly is the failure of a classical symmetry to survive the process of quantization and regularization. The study of anomalies has played an important role in quantum field theory in the last 20 years, one which is described clearly and comprehensively in this book, the first textbook on the subject. The author approaches the subject through differential geometry, a method that has received much attention in recent years, and gives detailed derivations and calculations which will be invaluable to both students and researchers in theoretical and mathematical physics.
1. Introduction
2. Differential geometry, topology and fibre bundles
3. Path integrals, FP method and BRS transformation
4. Anomalies in QFT
5. Path integral and anomaly
6. Physics in terms of differential forms
7. Chern-Simons form, homotopy operator and anomaly
8. Consistent anomaly
9. Stora-Zumino chain of descent equations
10. Convenient anomaly
11. Index and anomaly
12. Gravitation
This book is suitable for particle theorists (advanced graduate student and above) and for mathematicians who want to know how physicists get interesting ideas that bear on mathematics. Besides being comprehensive, the book manages to convey the depth and breadth of this profound subject as well as its links to mathematics. It is bound to become a standard reference on this fascinating topic. --R. Shankar,
Physics Today