This book deals with numerical analysis for certain classes of additive operators and related equations, including singular integral operators with conjugation, the Riemann-Hilbert problem, Mellin operators with conjugation, double layer potential equation, and the Muskhelishvili equation. The authors propose a unified approach to the analysis of the approximation methods under consideration based on special real extensions of complex C*-algebras. The list of the methods considered includes spline Galerkin, spline collocation, qualocation, and quadrature methods. The book is self-contained and accessible to graduate students.
This book deals with numerical analysis for certain classes of additive operators and related equations. It is the first book to present systematic study of approximation methods for the Muskhelishvili equation.
Various aspects of numerical analysis for equations arising in boundary integral equation methods have been the subject of several books published in the last 15 years [95, 102, 183, 196, 198]. Prominent examples include various classes of o- dimensional singular integral equations or equations related to single and double layer potentials. Usually, a mathematically rigorous foundation and error analysis for the approximate solution of such equations is by no means an easy task. One reason is the fact that boundary integral operators generally are neither integral operatorsof the formidentity plus compact operatornor identity plus an operator with a small norm. Consequently, existing standard theories for the numerical analysis of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind are not applicable. In the last 15 years it became clear that the Banach algebra technique is a powerful tool to analyze the stability problem for relevant approximation methods [102, 103, 183, 189]. The starting point for this approach is the observation that the ? stability problem is an invertibility problem in a certain BanlÓ0