Explore how imagery and remote sensing power modern GIS. WithThe ArcGIS Imagery Book, you will roll up your sleeves and quickly begin putting imagery to smarter, more skillful use with your GIS. Even armchair geographers will appreciate this book and its electronic companion www.thearcgisimagerybook.com for the wealth of gorgeous, inspiring, and occasionally troubling images and links to powerful web apps and maps that weave interesting stories about our planet and the issues we face. Appropriate for those very familiar with geographic information systems and those who have never heard of the term.A conceptual introduction and practical primer to the application of imagery and remote sensing data in GIS (geographic information systems).Foreword By Lawrie Jordan How this book works Chapter 1 Imagery Is Visible Intelligence Chapter 2 The Nature of Remote Sensing Chapter 3 Defining Imagery Chapter 4 Perceiving the Imperceptible Chapter 5 Turning Imagery into Information Chapter 6 Creating Mirror Worlds Chapter 7 Imagery in the 4th Dimension Chapter 8 The Ultimate Big Data Chapter 9 The Future Is Now Contributors & acknowledgments Credits