This book consists of 20 short essays on different dimensions of international economic policy with specific (though not exclusive) focus on Asia. Topics covered include: exchange rate regimes and reserve buildup in Asia; global macroeconomic imbalances; financial sector liberalization; international capital flows to and from Asia; infrastructure financing in Asia; foreign direct investment (FDI) flows, production networks, manufacturing and outsourcing in Asia; the economic rise of China and India; and trade, financial and monetary regionalism in Asia. While the book covers important and often technical economic issues of contemporary policy relevance, it is written in a manner that is easily accessible to non-economists, including students of public policy, international affairs, international commerce and business, as well as policy-makers and interested observers.
- Monetary and Exchange Rates Issues: Asia's Embarrassment of Riches: A Story of Prudence, Global Imbalances, and Some Good Old Fashioned Mercantilism;
- The Known Unknown: The Whopping US Current Account Deficit and Its Implications (With Surabhi Jain);
- Will the US Dollar Remain Top Dog ?: The Billion Dollar Question (With Jose Kiran);
- A Central Banker's Holy Grail: Inflation-Targeting Frameworks with Reference to Asia (With Tony Cavoli);
- Singapore s Currency Baskets and the Mantra of Competitiveness: The Importance of Real Exchange Rates;
- Financial Liberalization, Financial Crises and the Financing of Development: Barbarians at the Gates: Foreign Bank Entry in Asia;
- The Tobin Tax: A Panacea for Financial Crises?; International Capital Flows to Asia: The Never-ending Magic Spigot?;
- Using Reserves to Finance Infrastructure in India: Will it Clear the Gridlock?;
- The Goldmine of Development Finance: Reassessing the Importance of Migrants Remittances;
- Trade, Investment and the Rise of China and India: The Do s and Don ts of Attracting ForlS¶