This insightful and thought-provoking 2002 compilation describes the meteoric advances that revolutionised reproductive medicine.This insightful and thought-provoking compilation describes the rapid advances that have revolutionised reproductive medicine and looks ahead at exciting new prospects for the future that stand at the watershed between basic science and clinical application. From oogenesis and spermatogenesis, through to fertilisation, embryogenesis, and cloning, this volume looks at cutting-edge technologies and scientific advances. Subsequent chapters focus on infertility and its diagnosis and treatment. A concluding section surveys the impact of these developments on the provision, regulation and financing of reproductive health care in the global community.This insightful and thought-provoking compilation describes the rapid advances that have revolutionised reproductive medicine and looks ahead at exciting new prospects for the future that stand at the watershed between basic science and clinical application. From oogenesis and spermatogenesis, through to fertilisation, embryogenesis, and cloning, this volume looks at cutting-edge technologies and scientific advances. Subsequent chapters focus on infertility and its diagnosis and treatment. A concluding section surveys the impact of these developments on the provision, regulation and financing of reproductive health care in the global community.This insightful and thought-provoking collection of chapters describes the rapid advances that have revolutionized reproductive medicine. From oogenesis and spermatogenesis, through to fertilization, embryogenesis, and cloning, this volume looks at cutting-edge technologies and scientific advances. Subsequent chapters focus on infertility and its diagnosis and treatment using the full armory of assisted reproductive technologies. A concluding section surveys the impact of these developments on the provision, regulation, and financing of reproductive health carels8