The present book is the first comprehensive survey of attribution from a literary perspective to appear for forty years.Recent literary scholarship has seen a shift of interest away from questions of attribution. The present book is the first comprehensive survey of the field from a literary perspective to appear for forty years. It revisits a number of famous controversies, including those concerning the authorship of the Homeric poems, books from the Old and New Testaments, and the plays of Shakespeare. Written with wit as well as erudition Authorship and Attribution will make this intriguing field accessible for students and scholars alike.Recent literary scholarship has seen a shift of interest away from questions of attribution. The present book is the first comprehensive survey of the field from a literary perspective to appear for forty years. It revisits a number of famous controversies, including those concerning the authorship of the Homeric poems, books from the Old and New Testaments, and the plays of Shakespeare. Written with wit as well as erudition Authorship and Attribution will make this intriguing field accessible for students and scholars alike.Recent literary scholarship has seen a shift of interest away from questions of attribution. This book is the first comprehensive literary survey of the field to appear in forty years. It revisits a number of famous controversies, including those concerning the authorship of the Homeric poems, books from the Old and New Testaments, and the plays of Shakespeare. Written with wit and erudition, the study makes this intriguing field accessible for students and scholars.Abbreviations; Illustrations; Introduction; Acknowledgements; 1. Individuality and sameness; 2. Historical survey; 3. Defining authorship; 4. External evidence; 5. Internal evidence; 6. Stylistic evidence; 7. Gender and Authorship; 8. Craft and science; 9. Bibliographical evidence; 10. Forgery and attribution; 11. Shakespeare and Co.; 12. Arguinl³!