Burned-out believers and spiritual secularists have given up any hope that an engaging and meaningful spirituality can be found in a single Christian denomination. So rather than attending worship at a local church, they attend to their spiritual needs elsewhere. Instead of being fed by a single denomination, they feast upon a smorgasbord of spiritual beliefs.
To counter this trend, churches across America are constantly updating their culture to accord with the secular culture.
Authentic Christianity offers another idea - that the Lutheran tradition embodies a framework of Christianity that uniquely addresses the postmodern condition. It does so not by being emergent or by making up a new approach to church or to the Christian life. Rather, it does so in an unexpected way: by being confessional, sacramental, and vocational.
Authentic Christianity is a collaboration between an academic of the Boomer generation and a young Millennial pastor. Coming from two very different places - different generations, different vocations, different entries into Lutheranism - authors Gene Veith and Trevor Sutton offer their unique perspectives on how Lutheran theology engages contemporary life.