A micro-community approach to education with vision and values
The U.S. education system has remained somewhat static as the world changes furiously around it. The Basic School: A Community for Learning offers a model for the future. The classroom — and by extension, the school — is positioned as a little community focused on learning. Teachers are empowered with real leadership, parents are partners, resources are rich, and the curriculum is coherent and centralized. This book describes how to bring this dream-school into reality through a series of small steps forward that, over time, become a journey through progress.
Acknowledgments vii
Trustees of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching xiv
Preface xv
The Vision of the Basic School xxi
Prologue: A New Beginning 3
I The School as Community.
A Shared Vision 15
Teachers as Leaders 31
Parents as Partners 47
II A Curriculum with Coherence.
The Centrality of Language 65
The Core Commonalities 81
Measuring Results 103
III A Climate for Learning.
Patterns to Fit Purpose 119
Resources to Enrich 137
Services for Children 153
IV A Commitment to Character.
The Core Virtues 173
Living with Purpose 187
Appendix A Further Acknowledgments 197
Appendix B Technical Notes 203
Notes 209
Index 247
ERNEST L. BOYERwas commissioner of education under President Jimmy Carter and served fl³9