*J2EE 5 is a hot, emerging topic; timely to market
*Book covers all other neww J2EE-related technologies, like EJB 3, JSP 2.1, etc.
*Previous edition on 1.4 was excellent seller, with consistent low Amazon rank
Sun’s new lightweight Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 5 is an extremely powerful platform for developing enterprise-level Java-based applications, primarily for the server. This book shows you how to harness that power, examining how the pieces of the new Java EE 5 platform fit together, including the redesigned annotations-driven EJB 3 spec as well as JavaServer Faces (JSF), integrated into the platform for the first time.
Hands-on tutorials are also included, along with clear explanations and working code examples. You will grow to take the next step—from writing client-side desktop applications to writing enterprise applications. You will also learn how to use the individual APIs and tools in the Java EE 5 platform, and how to merge these to create your own enterprise applications.
A table of contents is not available for this title.Kevin Mukhar is a software developer in Colorado Springs, Colorado. For the past seven years, he has worked on various software systems using different Java Enterprise technologies. He has coauthored several books, including Beginning Java Databases and The Ultimate Palm Robot. In addition to developing software during the day, he is working on a master's degree in computer science. Learn more about him on his web page.
The Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is an extremely powerful platform for developing enterprise-level Java-based applications, primarily for the server. This book shows you how to harness that power, examining how the pieces of the new J2EE 5 platform fit together.