* Remains the classic tutorial for both non-programmers and beginning programmers.
* Tried and true step by step approach.
* Although it assumes nothing, it contains all the material a professional needs to know.
Welcome Welcome to Beginning XSLT, a comprehensive introduction to the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations. Who is this Book For? This book introduces those with a little knowledge of markup languages (HTML, XML, etc.) to the exciting world of XSLT. No prior programming knowledge is assumed or needed. This is a beginning book, so we will aim to teach you everything you need to know from scratch. This book will be equally beneficial to designers and programmers alike. What's Covered in this Book This book is divided into two parts. The first part introduces XML and XSL T bit by bit, gradually demonstrating the techniques that you need to generate HTML (and other formats) from XML. The second part pulls the theory together by looking at some of the other things that you can do with XSLT, including generating formats other than HTML, pulling information out of a variety of XML formats, and validating XML.1: Beyond HTML.- 2: Introducing XML.- 3: Creating HTML from XML.- 4: Templates.- 5: Conditions.- 6: Variables, Expressions, and Parameters.- 7: Paths.- 8: The Result Tree.- 9: Sorting and Numbering.- 10: IDs. Keys. and Groups.- 11: Named Templates and Recursion.- 12: Building XSLT Applications.- 13: Extensions.- 14: Dynamic XSLT.- 15: Creating SVG.- 16: Validating XML with Schematron.- 17: Interpreting RSS with XSLT.- Appendix A: XPath Ouick Reference.- Node Types.- Object Types.- Paths.- Axes.- Node Tests.- Abbreviated Syntax.- Operators.- Logical Operators.- Comparisons.- Numerical Operators.- Node Set Operator.- Functions.- boolean().- ceiling().- concat().- contains().- count().- current().- document().- element-available().- false().- floor().- format-number().- function-availablelƒe