The third installment of the popular Lemonade War series finds siblings Evan and Jessie Treski at their grandmother's Vermont house for the holidays, solving another mystery. This one involves figuring out who stole a cherished bell the whole neighborhood gathers around to ring in the new year. Evan and Jessie also come to grips with unsettling changes in their grandmother's behavior. Once again, Ms. Davies reveals how good she is at understanding the complex emotions of children age nine to twelve years old.
In the third book in the Lemonade War series, siblings Evan and Jessie must solve the mystery of a missing cherished family treasure while coming to terms with their beloved grandmother's unsettling behavior.
Jacqueline Daviesis the talented, award-winning writer of several novels and picture books. She lives in Needham, Massachusetts, with her family.Visit her website at .
Chapter 1
Stuck in the Back
How much longer? Jessie asked from the back seat, tapping the window glass three times. Jessie always tapped the window three times when they passed under a bridge.
Another hour, said Mrs. Treski. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard. At least.
They had already been driving for three hours, climbing steadily higher and higher into the mountains, and Jessie could feel herself sinking into a sulk. Everything about this trip to Grandma’s house was different.
First of all, Evan was sitting in the front seat.
Jessie could tell he was listening to his iPod. From behind, she could see his head bobbing slightly to the beat of the music as he stared out the window.
Evan had never been allowed to sit up front before. But this time, when he’d asked—for the ten tlCŒ