Bella and the Full Moon Kittens is a delightfully whimsical story about the exciting adventures of two children, Jacob and Samantha, who live on a ranch high in the Rocky Mountains. The two children rescue a cat, Bella, that becomes a beloved part of the ranch family, which includes two horses, Silverjack and Easy, and two dogs, Buck and Bear. Bella's adoption deepens the relationship between Jacob and Samantha and their parents and grandmother Nana and brings to life a beautiful bond between the animals and Bella. The special relationship between Silverjack and Bella is particularly evident when Silverjack saves Bella's life. When Bella suddenly disappears, the children are heartbroken. Days run into weeks that the beloved pet is gone. But Bella brings a wonderful surprise to the entire ranch family in the end. This is a lovely tale of rural life on a ranch, teaching children responsibility for one's pets and emphasizing the importance of strong family values.