In his follow-up to Lunatic Heroes, Martignetti sheds all defenses to reveal the viscera of a mind shaped by the dark and confusing forces of his childhood. This collection of memoirs and essays focuses mainly on Martignetti's adult years, and features the pivotal characters of his ever-entertaining personal narrative. From the cascade of memories and emotions triggered by an accidental butterfly killing in Cocoon Talk, to the homicidal impulses prompted by a visit to his boyhood home in Sign, from the heartbreaking to the hilarious musings inspired by beloved pets in Mochajava and Dog, and throughout the uncensored sexcapades of Mad, The Wild, and Feast of the Hungry Ghost, Martignetti's colloquial, humorous, and intimate style will keep you riveted, crack you open, enthrall and embrace you with an honesty normally reserved for not even the closest of friends.