This indispensable volume contains articles that represent the best of Huang's work on the syntax-semantics interface over the last two decades. It includes three general topics: (a) questions, indefinites and quantification, (b) anaphora, (c) lexical structure and the syntax of events.
List of Permissions
Part I: Questions, Indefinites and quantification
- Move wh in a language without wh-movement
- LF, ECP, and non-vacuous quantification
- Existential sentences in Chinese and (in)definiteness
- The syntax of wh-in-situ
- Modularity and Chinese A-not-A questions
- Logical Form
- Two types of donkey sentences
- Syntax of the hell
Part II: anaphora and BINDING
- A note on binding theory
- On the distribution and reference of empty pronouns
- Reconstruction and the structure of VP
- Logophoricity, attitudes, and ziji at the interface
Part III: Lexical Structure and Events
- On lexical structure and syntactic projection
- Resultatives and unaccusatives
C.-T. James Huang, a Professor of Linguistics at Harvard University, is the preeminent specialist on the syntax and semantics of Chinese.