Monthly potluck lunches. Company pep rallies. Focus groups. Birthday parties.
If you are not seeing any results from these and want to drive your organization to higher levels of health and performance, you need Beyond Engagement.
Jadedness for satisfaction and engagement surveys are on the rise. Team members are no longer interested in hollow solutions and lip service to their morale and needs. Beyond Engagement takes readers through a look at the role of your human resources function and how their recruitment philosophies and interviewing processes have a dramatic impact on organizational culture and engagement. You catch what you go fishing for is the line that will resonate with you for a long time.
Tim Schneider then takes us on an updated and workplace specific view of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. In Beyond Engagement, this needs pyramid assumes a new meaning and we see how meeting needs, at work, becomes a significant factor in organizational health. From the basics of providing for a team member's survival through creating satisfying and meaningful work, these sections provide solutions to many common organizational morale challenges.
Beyond Engagement continues with new views, supported by validated science, into real input. You will never conduct another brainstorming session again after reading this section and concentrate on providing your team members with real voice in the organization.
One of the most common failures in traditional engagement strategies is not having leaders that are truly people focused. Beyond Engagement tackles this issue in a straightforward manner and reasserts that leadership is a people function. Another important section deals with transparency and how an organization relays information in an honest and open way.
Schneider connects ethics, and specifically ethical congruence, to team member morale, spirit and engagement. Most engagement experts have not ventured down this path but Beyond Engagement takesl³Z