Walk the mean streets of wartime Panama City with Jimmy Soldier Riley, a wounded, woman-haunted knight errant in Michael Lister's resonant new noir series Publisher's Weekly calls a promising private detective series set in 1940s Florida, and Library Journal says peppered with snappy dialog, this hard-boiled mystery by award winner Lister is a swell read.
Michael Lister successfully brings back the hard-boiled 19402s P.I. with his Jimmy 'Soldier' Riley series. Soldier has heart, the dialogue is relentlessly hard-boiled, and the local is steamy and original. Lister knows how to mix it all together with the steady hand of a solid pro. Robert Randisi
Tight, taut, terrific PI noir with a classic and fully-realized 1940s setting. Michael Lister is one of those rare, gifted writers who can immerse you with his first sentence. The Soldier series is a treasure--don't miss it! Kelli Stanley
Michael Lister delivers the goods like Tyson in his prime, hard, fast and beautiful kind of brutal. Gary Phillips