This book on biodegradation and bioremediation focuses on environmental pollution, phytoremediation and rate of degradation in differing ecosystems. The assessment of the quality of biodegradability provides for better recycling processes as well as waste management techniques. Biodegradation is the process by which microorganisms decompose materials. Bioremediation is a waste management technique based on the principles of biodegradation. Both these processes are extremely significant for environmental sustainability. Some of the diverse topics covered in this text address the varied branches that fall under this category. The various advancements in this discipline are glanced at and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in detail. This book on biodegradation and bioremediation would prove helpful for students and teachers in the field of ecological sciences, waste management and environmental engineering. A number of latest researches have been included to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in this area of study.This book on biodegradation and bioremediation focuses on environmental pollution, phytoremediation and rate of degradation in differing ecosystems. The assessment of the quality of biodegradability provides for better recycling processes as well as waste management techniques. Biodegradation is the process by which microorganisms decompose materials. Bioremediation is a waste management technique based on the principles of biodegradation. Both these processes are extremely significant for environmental sustainability. Some of the diverse topics covered in this text address the varied branches that fall under this category. The various advancements in this discipline are glanced at and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in detail. This book on biodegradation and bioremediation would prove helpful for students and teachers in the field of ecological sciences, waste management and environmental enlƒf