Proceedings from an EPA workshop on research needs involving biotechnology.Part I Workshop Summary Worshop Summary Part II Papers Research Plan for Test Methods Development For Risk Assessment of Novel Microbes Released Into Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems Introduction II. Novel Organisms III. Development of Test Methods for the Detection, Identification, and Enumeration of Novel Organisms IV. Developments of Test Methods for Assessing Fate of Novel Organisms V. Development of Test Methods for Assessing Genetic Stability of Novel Organisms VI. Development of Test Methods for Assessing Hazards of Released Novel Organisms VII. Summary VIII. Acknowledgements IX. Literature Cited Biotechnology Health Assessment Research Plan I. Introduction II. Health Effects Work Group Panel Recommendations III. Discussion IV. References Environmental Engineering Research Support Proposal I. Legislation II. Regulatory Needs III. Overall Program Approach IV. Summary of Proposed Environmental Engineering Efforts Related to Regulatory Needs Monitoring Techniques For Genetically Engineered Microorganisms I. Introduction II. Sampling Considerations III. Monitoring Techniques IV. Microcosm Test for Monitoring Techniques V. Quality Assurance VI. Conclusion VII. Literature Cited Appendix: List of ParticipantsProceedings from an EPA workshop on research needs involving biotechnology.