The volume offers a comprehensive review and critical analysis of research and theory on the development of planning ability.Contributions from international experts provide a comprehensive review of current research and theory on the development of planning ability, an emerging topic in the study of children's cognition.Contributions from international experts provide a comprehensive review of current research and theory on the development of planning ability, an emerging topic in the study of children's cognition.Planning is an important human ability that guides behaviour and thereby complements instinctual fixed action patterns. How do people learn to plan? How do they develop the various skills that are implied by planfulness? This volume explores these questions as well as the concept of planning and its relationships to the concepts of problem-solving and organizational skills. The editors of this volume have drawn upon an international cadre of scholars to discuss the issues of planning and planful behaviours from a broad range of perspectives. The volume offers a comprehensive review and critical analysis of research and theory on the development of planning ability. Cognitive and developmental psychologists, educational researchers, and students hitherto frustrated by the complexity of the thinking about planning and fragmentation of the literature will find Blueprints for Thinking an invaluable resource.List of contributors; Foreword Jerome Kagan; Acknowledgements; Part I. The Prevalence of Planning: 1. The planning construct in the psychological literature Ellin Kofsky Scholnick and Sarah L. Friedman; 2. Planning in cross-cultural settings Robert A. Randall; Part II. Models and Conceptions of Planning: 3. A cognitive-developmental model of planning Richard De Lisi; 4. Plans and planning: their motivational and cognitive antecedents Shulamith Kreitler and Hans Kreitler; 5. Social aspects of planning Jacqueline J. Goodnow; Part III. Children's Skills of Plló…