
The Book On Turkey Hunting [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Sports & Recreation)
  • Author:  Ron McGaughey
  • Author:  Ron McGaughey
  • ISBN-10:  0615470726
  • ISBN-10:  0615470726
  • ISBN-13:  9780615470726
  • ISBN-13:  9780615470726
  • Publisher:  Dr. Mc Enterprises
  • Publisher:  Dr. Mc Enterprises
  • Pages:  132
  • Pages:  132
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-Jun-2011
  • Pub Date:  01-Jun-2011
  • SKU:  0615470726-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  0615470726-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100271000
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
  • Transit time: Up to 5 business days
  • Delivery by: Mar 30 to Apr 01
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
Dr. Ron McGaughey, known to his friends as Ronnie, has been turkey hunting for 46 years. He grew up in rural Mississippi and started turkey hunting at the age of 12. There were few turkey hunters at that time, and no videos or audio tapes to learn from, so he learned to turkey hunt by doing it! At 58, he still spends 30 to 40 days afield each spring hunting turkeys across the South and Midwest. His 32 years of teaching and research, coupled with his 46 years of turkey hunting, uniquely qualify him to write The Book on Turkey Hunting. His skills as a woodsman, his turkey hunting knowledge, and his experience in teaching are evident in the way this book is written. Do not expect a boring textbook because intermingled with the how to turkey hunt are numerous stories that illustrate and entertain. His attention to detail in describing the gear needed, turkeys and turkey behavior, calling, and the fundamentals of turkey hunting, make the book ideal for the beginner. His discussion of advanced tactics and his entertaining hunting stories will appeal to the seasoned turkey hunter. This book is for the beginner, the veteran turkey hunter, and anyone in between!

David Blanton of Realtree says this about the author: Ronnie McGaughey was one of the first real turkey hunters I ever met. At the time I couldnt fully appreciate his passion for the sport much less his know how. I learned so much from Ronnie when I was just venturing into the sport and I am grateful. . . But by no means does that make me anywhere CLOSE to being as good in the spring woods as he is! Ronnie is a master woodsman who knows the value of when to move on a hung up gobbler AND when not to call!

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