Our society is obsessed with numbers.
We are compelled to search for success based on an arbitrary quantity of fat grams and carbohydrates. We are convinced that victory is hidden just beyond our reach in the number of reps we complete or the size stamped on the waistband of our jeans.
So we buy the hype and join another program and begin again. Unfortunately, in no time we find ourselves at the losing end of another battle for self-control. We carry around the disappointment, and it glares back every time we glance in the mirror. Our failures mock our clothing preferences, complicate our food choices, and interfere with our relationships.
We would try again, but looking at our past littered with dangerous diet pills and extreme food plans, unused exercise equipment and discarded gym memberships, we are convinced there is no point. If the past is any indication, successeven if it is achievablewill be short-lived and meaningless. Why bother?
The truth is, success is not bound to a number. Disorderly eating and a poor self-image are not things that can be remedied with a product off the shelf. Our issues are more than skin deep when toxic situations from the past dictate current behaviors.
Freedom from numbers can only be found by uncovering and overcoming the root issues that drive beliefs regarding food and body image.
Bound by Numbers is a thoughtful approach to healthy living that begins by addressing internal issues first. Based on extensive research and real-life examples, youll learn how to jump off the treadmill of harmful ideas and jump into a brand-new life free from the past.
This will be the last time youll ever have to start all over again.
- Used Book in Good Condition