Since it was first published in 1982 British Archives has established itself as the premier reference work to holdings of archives and manuscript collections throughout the UK. The 3rd edition has been extensively revised and enlarged with more than 150 new entries, further widening the range of the book. Entries are structured to show the archives of the organisation as distinct from deposited collections and significant non-manuscript material, and additional details of fax number and conservation provision are included for the first time. All the existing entries have been significantly updated, together with the select bibliography and list of useful addresses of various organisations involved in the care and custody of archives. The introduction provides an invaluable guide to researchers using archives, including a summary of the relevant legislation and a detailed description of the usual holdings of county and other local authority record offices.More than 1,200 entries covering: National and Local Authority Record Offices, National Libraries and Museums, University and College Libraries and Archives, Royal Colleges and Institutions, Museums, Societies and Associations, Charities and Private Collections Introduction List of Useful Publications List of Useful Addresses Alphabetical Index by Name of Institution Alphabetical Index by County Index to Named Collections Subject Keyword List Appendices listing archives and collections which have been transferred and institutions which reported having no archives