Burlesque In a Nutshell is a fresh, behind-the-scenes peek into the personal and effervescent lives in the world of Burlesque. The readers are invited inside for an up-close and intimate story of friendships and confidences, heartbreaks, laughter and strange quirks. Rather than the usual account of those involved in the history of Burlesque; the strip-stars and comics are taken off the marquees, and delivered as accessible people with fascinating experiences. Early Burlesque was Vaudevilles off-spring. It grew to become an integral part of Americas history. It was a launch pad for many talented well-known comedians. It offered inexpensive, and well-needed diversion from the depression and the second world war. Burlesque inadvertently affected, and changed societys views on the art of entertainment. This book is written to honor, and reveal the real profession of Burlesque. It was a time, when Burlesque was a tasteful tease, with a wink and a wiggle. When audiences howled at the zany antics of the baggy-pants comics, and ogled the cute chorus gals. A time when, Burlesque Queens wooed us with fabulous fans and fantastic costumes, and glided across the stage, accompanied by a full orchestra. All this, in the grandeur of a Minskys Theatre. This book is meant to be a portal into that long gone era.