This Companion provides a chronological survey of Latin American poetry, analysis of modern trends and six succinct essays on the major figures.This Companion provides a comprehensive, chronological survey of Latin American poetry from the Colonial period up until the present day, analysis of modern trends ranging from LGBT to Latino/a poetry, and six succinct essays on the major figures, ranging from Sor Juana In?s de la Cruz to Octavio Paz.This Companion provides a comprehensive, chronological survey of Latin American poetry from the Colonial period up until the present day, analysis of modern trends ranging from LGBT to Latino/a poetry, and six succinct essays on the major figures, ranging from Sor Juana In?s de la Cruz to Octavio Paz.The Cambridge Companion to Latin American Poetry provides historical context on the evolution of the Latin American poetic tradition from the sixteenth century to the present day. It is organized into three parts. Part I provides a comprehensive, chronological survey of Latin American poetry and includes separate chapters on Colonial poetry, Romanticism/modernism, the avant-garde, conversational poetry, and contemporary poetry. Part II contains six succinct essays on the major figures Sor Juana In?s de la Cruz, Gabriela Mistral, C?sar Vallejo, Pablo Neruda, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, and Octavio Paz. Part III analyses specific and distinctive trends within the poetic canon, including women's, LGBT, Quechua, Afro-Hispanic, Latino/a and New Media poetry. This Companion also contains a guide to further reading as well as an essay on the best English translations of Latin American poetry. It will be a key resource for students and instructors of Latin American literature and poetry.Part I. History: 1. Colonial poetry Rodrigo Cacho Casal; 2. From Romanticism to modernismo Cecila Enjuto-Rangel; 3. The Avant-garde: from Creacionismo to Ultra?smo, Brazilian Modernismo, Antropofagia, and Surrealism Adam Joseph Shellhorse; 4. Conversational l!