Investigates the evolution and proliferation of central banks and the profession of central banking during the past century.Central banking has proliferated and radically changed over the past century. John Singleton here explains how and why this evolution has taken place and, in doing so, demonstrates that an understanding of these changes is essential to explaining the role of central banks in the recent global financial crisis.Central banking has proliferated and radically changed over the past century. John Singleton here explains how and why this evolution has taken place and, in doing so, demonstrates that an understanding of these changes is essential to explaining the role of central banks in the recent global financial crisis.Central banks are powerful but poorly understood organisations. In 1900 the Bank of Japan was the only central bank to exist outside Europe but over the past century central banking has proliferated. John Singleton here explains how central banks and the profession of central banking have evolved and spread across the globe during this period. He shows that the central banking world has experienced two revolutions in thinking and practice, the first after the depression of the early 1930s, and the second in response to the high inflation of the 1970s and 1980s. In addition, the central banking profession has changed radically. In 1900 the professional central banker was a specialised type of banker, whereas today he or she must also be a sophisticated economist and a public official. Understanding these changes is essential to explaining the role of central banks during the recent global financial crisis.1. A beginner's guide to central banking; 2. Very boring guys?; 3. Wind in the willows: the small world of central banking c.1900; 4. Something for everyone: new central banks, 190039; 5. A series of disasters: central banking, 191439; 6. The mysteries of central bank cooperation; 7. The first central banking revolution; 8. No time lc1