If you want to change a play, you must start by selecting and communicating a new script to your theater company. If you want to change an organization, you must start by communicating to organization members a new vision of where the organization needs to be at some future time.
If you want to change the play, you must put actors under contract for the new play and rehearse them until they can perform their roles perfectly. If you want to change an organization, workers must be under agreement to perform to new job descriptions and goals . . . and be trained in new work processes and new technology. And so it goes . . .
Using your life-long familiarity with the idea of a play you will be able to make organizational change happen flawlessly.
Change Management: The Details of the New Way
1.Learn How to Use A New Metaphor: ?An organization is like a theater company that changes the play ? >The theater metaphor works to both explain and guide organizational change.
2.Learn How to Use the New Sources of Information about Change:?? ? >Proven bodies of knowledge offer change management solutions
3.A New Assumption ... organizational change is to help an organization thrive, not just survive ? >Organizations are meant to thrive, not just SURVIVE!
4.Learn to Use the New Imperative ... to Run-the-Business for profit today and Change-the-Business for profit tomorrow ? >Organizalã"