And it shall be, that whoever will not come up of all the families of the earth to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even on them shall be no rain. Zachariah 14:17 (AKJV).
There have been many spiritual and physical interpretations of this passage. Rain symbolizes the blessings for which we pray. Could it be that God is angry with Christians who fail to heed this injunction? Many Christians go to Church and read their Bibles, but often forget to avail themselves of the promises of Christian pilgrimage as contained in the above passage. More tragic is the fact that some fail to separate pilgrimage from tourism. The result is that they too are not blessed.
In this book, we take you step-by-step in the spiritual journey to the Holy Land that never goes out of fashion. The holiness of Israel as the Promised Land is evident in the several spiritual sites you will encounter. You get a glimpse of the marvelous miracles of God. This book also helps the pilgrim to stay focused in order to be blessed. It is an inseparable guide to the pilgrim in need of additional ecclesiastic literature.