30 CFR Parts 200-599 covers the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Minerals Revenue Management, Offshore, Geological Survey, and the Appeals processes within these offices of the United States Department of Interior. (Notes Parts 600-699 are not currently available for preview).In this volume, you will find rules, processes, procedures, and regulations relating to relief or reduction in royalty rates; oil gas, and Sulphur operations in the outer continental shelf; geological and geophysical operations in the outer continental shelf; renewable energy and alternative uses of energy in the outer continental shelf; appeal procedures; state water research institute programs and more.State water management program staff, analysts, oil developers, energy developers including electric power companies, equipment manufacturers, systems developers, environmentalists, and inspectors that may grant permits for offshore energy exploration may be interested in this updated volume.Code of Federal Regulations Title 30, Volume 2, July 1, 2015Containing parts Parts 200 to 699Parts 200-202; ReservedPart 203; RELIEF OR REDUCTION IN ROYALTY RATESPart 250; OIL AND GAS AND SULPHUR OPERATIONS IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELFPart 251; GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL (G&G) EXPLORATIONS OF THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELFPart 252; OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF (OCS) OIL AND GAS INFORMATION PROGRAMPart 253; ReservedPart 254; OIL-SPILL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS FOR FACILITIES LOCATED SEAWARD OF THE COAST LINEPart 256; LEASING OF SULPHUR OR OIL AND GAS IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELFParts 259-260; ReservedPart 270; NONDISCRIMINATION IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELFPart 280; PROSPECTING FOR MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELFPart 281; ReservedPart 282; OPERATIONS IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF FOR MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHURPart 285; ReservedPart 290; APPEAL PROCEDURESPart 291; OPEN AND NONDISCRIMINATORY ACCESS TO OIL AND GAS PIPELINES UNDER THE OUTER CONTINEl#*