44 CFR features coverage of the Emergency Management and Assistance within the United States Department of Homeland Security, Office of Federal Emergency Management Agency and the United States Department of Commerce and Transportation agencies. In this volume, you will find rules, processes, procedures, and regulations pertaining to the National Insurance Development Plan, floodplain management and protection of wetlands, insurance coverage and rates, implementation of Section 1306 (c ) of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, exemption of state -owned properties under the self-insurance plan, flood mitigation assistance and grants, identification and mapping of special hazard areas, public safety awards to public safety officers, reimbursement of costs for fire-fighting on Federal properties, mitigation planning, fire fighters management and grants program, Federal Disaster Assistance, management costs, disaster preparedness assistance, graduated mobilization response, state assistance programs and training for emergency management, radiological emergency planning and preparedness, commercial nuclear power plants -emergency planning and preparedness, national earthquake hazardous reduction, national urban search and rescue response system, shipping restrictions and more.Code of Federal Regulations Title 44, Volume 1, October 1, 2015Containing parts Part 0-General Statements of Policy; ReservedPart 1; RULEMAKING; POLICY AND PROCEDURESPart 2; OMB CONTROL NUMBERSPart 3; ReservedPart 4; INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW OF FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIESPart 5; PRODUCTION OR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATIONPart 6; IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974Part 7; NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERALLY-ASSISTED PROGRAMS (FEMA REG. 5)Part 8; ReservedPart 9; FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION OF WETLANDSPart 10; ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONSPart 11; CLAIMSParts 12-14; ReservedPart 15; CONDUCT AT THE MT. WEATHER EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE CENTER AND AT THE NATIONlC%