49 CFR Parts 1200 to End continues coverage on the Surface Transportation Board within the Department of Transportation. In this volume, you will find the preservation of accounts, Handling of national security information and classified material, railroad companies, preservation of records, airport security, general rules, rail transport security, freight commodity statistics, carrier rates and service terms, tariff requirements for household good carriers, civil aviation security including airport security, certified cargo screening program, aircraft and railroad transportation security, and more.Maritime Carriers, Motor Carriers, Freight Forwarders Air Carriers, Agriculture advocates, Railroad employees, Contractors, Engineers, Conductors, Accountants/Auditors, Law enforcement officers, Seamen, Aviation and railroad safety supporters, and Individuals with disabilities may refer to this volume for successful execution of the processes and regulations.Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Volume 9, October 1, 2015Containing parts Part 1200 to endParts 1200-1219-Uniform Systems of Accounts; ReservedPart 1200; GENERAL ACCOUNTING REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACTPart 1201; RAILROAD COMPANIESParts 1202-1219; Note: Part 1220; PRESERVATION OF RECORDSParts 1240; 1259-REPORTSPart 1241; ANNUAL, SPECIAL, OR PERIODIC REPORTS-CARRIERS SUBJECT TO PART I OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACTPart 1242; SEPARATION OF COMMON OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN FREIGHT SERVICE AND PASSENGER SERVICE FOR RAILROADS 1Part 1243; QUARTERLY OPERATING REPORTS-RAILROADSPart 1244; WAYBILL ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORTATION OF PROPERTY-RAILROADSPart 1245; CLASSIFICATION OF RAILROAD EMPLOYEES; REPORTS OF SERVICE AND COMPENSATIONPart 1246; NUMBER OF RAILROAD EMPLOYEESPart 1247; REPORT OF CARS LOADED AND CARS TERMINATEDPart 1248; FREIGHT COMMODITY STATISTICSParts 1250-1252; ReservedPart 1253; RATE-MAKING ORGANIZATION; RECORDS AND REPORTSParts 1260; 1269-VALUATIONParts 1260-1261; ReservedParts 1280-1299-Classl#*