7 CFR Parts 53-209 continues coverage of the United States Department of Agriculture. In this volume, you will find rules, processes, procedures, and regulations pertaining to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 and the egg products inspection act, plus livestock grading, certification, and standards, meats and meat products grading certification, and standards, voluntary grading of shell eggs, inspection of eggs, grading, certification, and inspections of all approved plants, standards for dairy products, organic food programs, and more.Farmers, food inspectors and distributors as well as policy makers, small business grocers, and supermarket chain management may be interested in this volume.Code of Federal Regulations Title 7, Volume 3, January 1, 2015Containing parts Parts 53 to 209Part 53; LIVESTOCK (GRADING, CERTIFICATION, AND STANDARDS)Part 54; MEATS, PREPARED MEATS, AND MEAT PRODUCTS (GRADING, CERTIFICATION, AND STANDARDS)Part 56; VOLUNTARY GRADING OF SHELL EGGSPart 57; INSPECTION OF EGGS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT)Part 58; GRADING AND INSPECTION, GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROVED PLANTS AND STANDARDS FOR GRADES OF DAIRY PRODUCTS 1Part 59; LIVESTOCK MANDATORY REPORTINGPart 60; COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELING FOR FISH AND SHELLFISHPart 61; COTTONSEED SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE FOR CRUSHING PURPOSES (INSPECTION, SAMPLING AND CERTIFICATION)Part 62; LIVESTOCK, MEAT, AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES (QUALITY SYSTEMS VERIFICATION PROGRAMS)Part 63; NATIONAL SHEEP INDUSTRY IMPROVEMENT CENTERPart 65; COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELING OF BEEF, PORK, LAMB, CHICKEN, GOAT MEAT, PERISHABLE AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES, MACADAMIA NUTS, PECANS, PEANUTS, AND GINSENGPart 70; VOLUNTARY GRADING OF POULTRY PRODUCTS AND RABBIT PRODUCTSPart 75; REGULATIONS FOR INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION OF QUALITY OF AGRICULTURAL AND VEGETABLE SEEDSPart 80; FRESH RUSSET POTATO DIVERSION PROGRAMPart 81; PRUNE/DRIED PLUM DIVERSION PROGRAMPart 82; CLINGSTONE PEACH DIVERSION PROGRAMPart 90; INTRODUCTIONPart 9l30