Title 7-AGRICULTURE is composed of fifteen volumes. This specific volume, 7 CFR Parts 1950-1999 contains Rural Housing Service, Rural Utilities Service, and Farm Service, debt settlement, property management, and more.Code of Federal Regulations Title 7, Volume 14, January 1, 2015Containing parts Parts 1950 to 1999Part 1950; GENERALPart 1951; SERVICING AND COLLECTIONSPart 1955; PROPERTY MANAGEMENTPart 1956; DEBT SETTLEMENTPart 1957; ASSET SALESPart 1962; PERSONAL PROPERTYPart 1965; REAL PROPERTYPart 1980; GENERALParts 1981-1999; Reserved