Management trainer and consultant Nannette Carroll has spent her career instilling top-flight communication skills in managers to keep their staffs productive and collaborative. In this detailed guide to workplace communication, she shares her best problem-solving techniques to resolve the people issues that derail productivity and guides readers through an analysis of their own communication skills to help them overcome personal roadblocks to success. The Communication Problem Solver does this by teaching readers how to: set clear expectations; ask questions that will uncover important facts; sharpen listening skills to grasp information better in every conversation; avoid imprecise judgments based on emotional reactions; provide useful feedback; encourage collaborative interactions; delegate more effectively; improve performance discussions using observable facts; and build trusting and lasting relationships. Easily accessible and packed with real-world management examples and tangible solutions to managers most common communication challenges, this no-nonsense guide is the key to helping any leader immediately increase his or her effectiveness. When everyone is in alignment, leadership can seem like an easy task. But managers often struggle to get their teams back on track once miscommunication occurs. Discover the simple communication techniques that resolve problems and restore productivity.Management trainer and consultant Nannette Carroll has spent her career instilling top-flight communication skills in managers to keep their staffs productive and collaborative. In this detailed guide to workplace communication, she shares her best problem-solving techniques to resolve the people issues that derail productivity and guides readers through an analysis of their own communication skills to help them overcome personal roadblocks to success. The Communication Problem Solver does this by teaching readers how to: set clear expectations; ask questions that will uncolC