The sequel to McIntosh's acclaimed work Autonomy and Community: The Royal Manor of Havering, 12001500.A Community Transformed traces the restructuring of Havering between 1500 and 1620 through detailed analysis of demographic patterns, the economy, religion, social and cultural forms, and local administration and law. McIntosh's study, the most complex and richly drawn portrait of any English community in this period, goes beyond local history in illuminating the transition from medieval to early modem life.A Community Transformed traces the restructuring of Havering between 1500 and 1620 through detailed analysis of demographic patterns, the economy, religion, social and cultural forms, and local administration and law. McIntosh's study, the most complex and richly drawn portrait of any English community in this period, goes beyond local history in illuminating the transition from medieval to early modem life.A Community Transformed traces the restructuring of Havering between 1500 and 1620 through detailed analysis of demographic patterns, the economy, religion, social and cultural forms, and local administration and law. McIntosh's study, the most complex and richly drawn portrait of any English community in this period, goes beyond local history in illuminating the transition from medieval to early modem life. A Community Transformed is the sequel to Professor McIntosh's acclaimed work Autonomy and Community: The Royal Manor of Havering, 12001500, published by Cambridge in 1986.List of figures; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Life and death; 2. Changing economic patterns; 3. Religion; 4. Facets of a society in transition; 5. Havering's declining independence; 6. Overt conflict, 160719; Conclusion; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.