Latin American cinema has seen major developments in the past half-century, and some of the most exciting work in contemporary film now originates there. This Companion traces its development from the mid 1890s, with particular attention to the early period when it was dominated by foreign film makers (or foreign models such as Hollywood), through the 1960s when as a genre it found its feet - the New Latin American Cinema movement - and beyond. Detailed analysis of the best twenty-five films of Latin America follows: cast and crew, awards, plots, themes and techniques. The 'Guide to Further Reading' includes important books, articles and Internet sites. FILMS: Que viva M?xico Los olvidados Dos tipos de cuidado Orfeu Negro Memorias del subdesarrollo Luc?a El chacal de Nahueltoro Yawar Mallku La batalla de Chile La ?ltima cena Pixote: a lei do mais fraco El Norte Camila La historia oficial Cartas del parque La tarea Yo, la peor de todas La frontera El viaje Fresa y chocolate Como agua para chocolate Central do Brasil Amores perros Y tu mam? tambi?n Cidade de Deus. STEPHEN M. HART is Professor of Hispanic Studies, University College London, and Profesor Honorario, Universidad de San Marcos, Lima.A history of Latin American cinema, with detailed analysis of the twenty-five best films.Introduction to Latin American Film?Qu? viva M?xico!Los olvidadosDos tipos de cuidadoOrfeu negroMemorias del subdesarrolloLuc?aEl chacal de NahueltoroYawar MallkuLa batalla de ChileLa ?ltima cenaPixote: a lei do mais fracoEl NorteCamilaLa historia oficialCartas del parqueLa tareaYo, la peor de todasLa fronteraEl viajeFresa y chocolateComo agua para chocolateCentral do BrasilAmores perrosY tu mam? tambi?nCidade de Deus