Does philosophical critique have a future? What are its possibilities, limits and presuppositions? This collection by outstanding scholars from various traditions, responds to these questions by examining the forms of philosophical critique that have shaped continental thought from Spinoza and Kant to Marx, Foucault, Derrida and Ranci?re.Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction Critique, Dissent, Disciplinarity; J.Butler Spinoza or the Other Critique; A.Tosel Rousseau, Kant, and Philosophical Auto-Criticism: The Practical Ends of Critical Thinking; P.Quadrio Beyond the Limits of Reason: Kant, Critique, and Enlightenment; C.McQuillan Hegel's Conception of Immanent Critique: its Sources, Extent, and Limit; K. de Boer Karl Marx: Critique as Emancipatory Practice; R.Celikates Nietzsche's Genealogy as Performative Critique; J.I.Porter Psychoanalytic Critique and Beyond; E.Rottenberg The Interruption of Myth: Walter Benjamin's Concept of Critique; T.Lijster Adorno's Critique of Late Capitalism: Negative, Explanatory, and Practical; F.Freyenhagen Habermas' Social Theory: The Critical Power of Communicative Rationality; M.Cooke Prophecy and Parre?sia : Foucauldian Critique and the Political Role of Intellectuals; C.Hendricks Derrida: Echoes of the Forthcoming; O.Custer Negative versus Affirmative Critique: On Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Ranci?re; R.Sonderegger Index
'De Boer and Sonderegger have compiled an invaluable historical inventory of conceptions of critique from Spinoza to Ranci?re. Beginning with a riveting essay by Judith Butler, who recalls that critique is the condition for dissent, this volume provides Kant, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Adorno, Foucault, among others, with fresh and challenging philosophical profiles. All students of critique will want this volume on their bookshelf.' - Jay Bernstein, New School for Social Research, New York, USA
'This is a uniquely rich and diverse volume which offers both historical reconstructl£ª